Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
c/o Gerard Aumont 16 avenue de Carthage Tunis.
[23 September 1924]
My most beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A million thanks for the wonderful present you sent me at the Equinox (It arrived a few days early, but so much the better!)
As it is written: the King's Daughter is all-glorious: her raiment is of wrought gold.
[There is also gossamer floating about—and a Star Sapphire in her hair] They will have to work overtime on Belmont Avenue now, but that's not my funeral.
It is a standing march.
Thy Sire, The All-Father—awakened!
P.S. You ought to be able to plant a few prospectuses as enclosed. If so, send direct to Clarke, less 20% your commission.