Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Aimée Gouraud




Sept. 26, 1924 e.v. [circa]



Dearest Aimée,


This to tell you, in case I don't see you any more, that you have been a great factor in the Great Work.


You were the only real doctor I had for you gave me strength to live long enough to finish up my work


I love you. I want you to have the little miniature of me when I was 16 painted by my sister. Norman Mudd will give it to you.


Understand that you are not to think that A.C. deserted me. He did not. He liberated me. I die, not as you imagine through neglect by him but in service to the Work which we united to do. He and I are One, nay are None.


When you see him you will understand.






