Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




[On the stationary of the Majestic Hotel, Tunis]



29 Sept. 1924



Dear M.E.2.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I've been loading the 2nd shell for my Big Bertha and it will devastate.


Meanwhile Dorothy [Dorothy Olsen] and I had to leave Leah [Leah Hirsig] in Paris—in the very good hands of [illegible] servant. But—despite Powers of Attorney, two Consuls, arrangements with Banks, G[od] O[nly] K[nows] what—things seem to be rather in a mess.


I am out on a Magical operation of the very highest class. It started 12 days ago when I least expected—took me entirely by surprise. All I could do was to attend to the essentials—and trust to the Gods. So I write this letter more as a matter of conventional duty than as worried. Its purpose is to urge you to get to Paris as soon as you can, and use up some of that brilliant cavalry quality of your mind in breaking the [illegible] square.


Yours for Fuzzy Wuzzy


The Beast 666


