Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Charles Stansfeld Jones





[3 October 1924]



I don't want to get anywhere myself, but one has the feeling that one is getting older and has not done anything for the universe at large. I don't know what I would do anyway I thought perhaps one might find something to do in this outfit. The O.T.O. and the AA seem to have gone by the board and by the time one gets to know anything about the schemes of the U.[niversal] B.[rotherhood] One will have two feet in the grave. I was about to say, I know that I am just bluffing myself because I would try to get out of it if there was anything to do and do not now do all I could. But it is not altogether true. I have not yet found that in which I want to put my energy. The O.T.O. looked hopeful at one time. This is such a dark horse, ponderous and one has the idea where it is travelling.


