Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to A. G. Murray
[on the stationary of the Majestic Hotel, Tunis]
6 Oct 1924 E.V.
Please point out to Mr. Jones [George Cecil Jones] that by refusing my request that the £16 should be paid to Mr. Mudd [Norman Mudd]—who would have telegraphed the amount to me at once—he has placed me in a position of grave difficulty, and involved me in much quite unnecessary expense. I have not yet received the money.
The explanation is this. Mr. Jones having agreed to allow me £2 a week I thought it wise to retire to a place where I could live on that sum. A friend kindly paid my fare to Tunis to help me in this matter. But in the absence of the expected £16, I have been held up in the city, and obliged to live on credit at an hotel, instead of proceeding at once to the desert and entering on camp life. Thus, the whole of the £16—or nearly the whole—will have been spent in advance: and this entirely because Mr. Jones declines to take notice of the representations of my representatives, and acts ex cathredra in ignorance of the circumstances.
P.S. The £2 weekly should be sent to me c/o Mr. Aumont [Gerard Aumont] in bank-notes by registered letter.