Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett
"C/o Guaranty Trust Co., 1 rue des Italiens, Paris.
Nov. 9, 1924. e.v.
Dear old Prog[radior],
Just had your letter. Tut, tut, I told Mudd [Norman Mudd] he was all wrong when he showed me the letter (or rather a copy of it) that he sent you. He is the finest fellow of his kind that I know and you must forget about that letter. It was done more or less according to general instructions as to what his function was at that particular time. He is Manchester like yourself & "as brothers fight ye."
So be a good Prog and write to me. Beast is far far away and we're all just recovering from illness and privation. I won't begin to tell you what we've been through. It is all past and done with and we're going on working and working and shall win.
We haven't seen Heroin for many months and so, even if I would, I couldn't supply you with any. I want to suggest that we're on to Cap. 3 of CCXX now and that we worship R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] with fire and blood—the strange drugs are to worship Hadit.
You know the Law perfectly well, so does Mudd. What you two and all the rest of us have to do, is to get into right relations with each other and we'll do that as soon as the time comes.
All my love
Note address till further notice. I'm enclosing letter for Mrs. Barton.[1]
When you get a lot of money send it direct to me here—I'll see that poor old Ninette [Ninette Shumway] gets some—the rent for the house in Cefalu is paid up until Jan. 1 and I don't know what will happen after that.
1—Mrs. Barton was a student of Frank Bennett's.