Correspondence from Ninette Shumway to Leah Hirsig





[9 November 1924]



How long is this going to last? And where are we driving to? Beast seems to be as much in the dark as I am.


Re what is left in the house. There are two big cases which I have never had the cash to send off. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] told me to send them to Agnel to be stored till he could tell them what to do with them. In them, among many odds and ends, the Brass Altar, Masonic carpet, stage swords, Probationers and Neophyte forms filled in which I was to send by mail but never could afford, also pictures without frames. All but Leda and the Swan (which had a terrible mutilation at the hands of Lulu) and the face of an old man (too large to get in the case).


I have stuffed these cases with everything I thought was worth packing left over in the house.


It is pretty nearly cleaned up. You'll find much useless stuff but I needed to fill the case. It is only a matter of about 30 lire to get them to Agnel. If I succeed in selling the tea-table which still hangs around, I will ship them. Nothing has been done about the pawned jewels so far.


To comply with your last sentence I went through the house to ascertain if everything was packed. . . . There are Beast's own Collected Works, Liber LXI, Liber VII, Shakespeare and The Hunting of the Snark. All these he may want and I'll send them by post. Everything else is gone or in the remaining cases.


