Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





November 15th 1924 E.V.



To: TO MEGA THERION, 9º=2o    AA



From Frater Achad



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


The enclosed official letter dealing with matters connected with the O.T.O. is incomplete from the Larger aspect of the AA


There seems little doubt that in getting into touch with Brother Regartnus [Heinrich Tränker] we have contacted the Secret Chiefs of the True R - C. succession. They have a tremendous Library of ancient books and MSS (some 15,000) and he told me recently that in going over a very fine collection of MSS possessed by one of the Brothers there were no less than 200 different copies of the Key of Solomon of the 15th and 16th Centuries therein. In other words they have the store house of this ancient lore in their possession for the benefit of future generations.


Their simi-outer activities are conducted under the auspices of the Collegium Pansophicum, of which the College he has seen fit to appoint me a member and its representative in the U.S.A. We have already obtained duplicate copies of some very rare Alchemical Books, such as the original edition of the Theatrum Chemicum and of the Hermitic Museum. But all that is by the way. I am not strongly pushing things, merely waiting for what comes along of itself.


Regnartus was a personal friend of Hartmann, knows all about Kellner and the others very well. Knows a great deal about Reuss [Theodor Reuss] and his adventures and mis-adventures. I understand they have genuine documentary proof of the R.C. back to the early part of 1600 and clear trace of the inner teachings into the distant past. They are very much interested in the work of the New Aeon, want to have as complete records as possible for transmission to future generations privately, want to make arrangement, if possible for translation and publication of the A\A\ books. There is apparently a tremendous interest in Germany just now in these things. They have an outer following of over 1000 Students, but, as usual the Inner nucleus is very small. There are, however, I understand, a very few VERY OLD men still living in close retirement, probably near their retreat and Library. These people refuse to deal with pseudo R.C. movements; they recognized some of the right stuff in Q.B.L. however, although we were known to them long ago. In fact R. seems pretty much to use the Actual Light by which to make some of his investigations.


This whole thing is something more than a pipe-dream of mine. I enclose the profane name and address of the Brother on a slip of paper. He wants to get in touch with you and your Work. He says he is not a man of very great means (he is evidently able to get things published and well in with the publishers over there, it was on his say so that the recent complete edition of the Secret Symbols of the R.C.’s appeared again to the public.) He is offering to make an arrangement about my books. Has already had them translated in MSS for the use of the Collegium. He will be supplied with such of ours as he does not already possess in the Library. He would like the O.T.O. MSS, but I leave that to you of course.


However, is is prepared to offer you hospitality for an extended period if necessary, if you care to visit him and see the securities and go into the world-situation fully. He is unable to speak much English, but has a Brother with him who can translate readily and Knows enough about things to be entirely trustworthy.


Please keep this under your hat, be very careful not to do anything that might upset a valuable alliance. But, please write to him, and get things under way; I cannot possibly make the trip now, though a Conference would be in order. I shall get you translations of the important parts of my correspondence with him and will you please keep me informed of some of the things you do and decide.


The above represents a part of my general campaign for the establishment of the Kingdom of R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit]; at least we should have a fair field and a good chance of transmission of some of the valuable documents for which humanity is not yet ripe.


Meanwhile, I may say that I have not been idle in other—perhaps wider—places, and that some day I may make another report of an even more important nature.


I crave your Blessing and that of the Most High


Thy son


