Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley












To the II and Holy BAPHOMET, R.S.S., Ireland, Iona and all the Britains, from PARZIVAL, Grand Master U.S.A., Dep. G.M. I.I. et o B. etc etc.



Salutation on all Points of the Triangle!


Beloved Father in the Lord,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


It becomes my duty to inform you of certain matters of high moment connected with the destinies of Our Holy Order in its historical succession. To the extent of which you are already aware of these facts, please consider my letter superfluous.


During the long interval which has elapsed since any official correspondence passed between us on this subject, I have, in the course of my Work, found a means of communication with a Brother in Germany who has been able to give me news of importance on many matters of weight.


For one thing, I regret to inform you, should you not already be aware of the fact, of the Passing into the Great Beyond of our beloved Father in the Lord, Merlin-Peregrinus O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] and Frater Superior of the Ordo Templi Orientis etc. This took place about two years ago, the exact date will be recorded later.


The upshot of this event is that it becomes necessary to insure the succession of Grand Masters, at least as an historical fact, by consideration of the best title to the high office of O.H.O. I find that Merlin-Peregrinus died without definitely appointing a successor.


Our most illuminated brother REGNARTUS [Heinrich Tränker] was given a Charter as Grand Master for Germany, on the same date that my Charter was granted for the United States of North America. We have exchanged copies of these Charters and find same to be in perfect order. Brother REGNARTUS does not, however lay any claim to the title of O.H.O., nor would he accept the Office if offered. He knows, however, of your high office in the Order, and leaves the matter of the succession to be decided between us, on the basis of highest claim and Justice.


There is no doubt whatever in my mind in regard to this matter, which I only mention to you for the sake of record, and I have the honour of acclaiming you, my Beloved Father, O.H.O. and the Supreme Authority of the World-wide Jurisdiction.


I trust that you will see fit to confirm my Charter for the United States, and also that of our worthy Brother REGNARTUS for Germany. Brother REGNARTUS and myself are in perfect agreement and in the Bonds of True Brotherhood. Brother REGNARTUS, having special work of his own to perform, does not desire to appear in any outer connection as one of the High Officials of the Order, and this is in accordance with the policy he adopted when dealing with our late Brother MERLIN-PEREGRINUS. If I mention that he is undoubtedly one of the High Secret Chiefs of the True R - C succession in Germany, and has no desire of outer honours and titles, it will suffice in this place.


Brother REGNARTUS, while not at present interested in reviving the outer activities of O.T.O., does realize fully the historical need of a properly recorded succession of officers. He informs me that the Golden Book, and other properties connected with the Order are in the possession of the wife of the late O.H.O., but that there is some difficulty, owing to a claim of that wife’s sister, to some share in the heritage. It would appear that behind this is some person unknown who is desirous of obtaining control of the affairs of the Order, and it is most important, as you realize, that this trust should not fall into unscrupulous hands.


As soon as the translations are complete, I shall forward to you copies of affairs connected with the Order under the administration of the late O.H.O. His letters are very long, and in the German language; fortunately there is a Brother here who is good enough to translate them for me, and my letters in return.


I may mention, that I am given to understand that the O.H.O. only entrusted the IX° to two persons in Germany, one of whom was Brother REGNARTUS. He has been able to prove this to my satisfaction, in spite of the fact that our translator has not this degree.


I will, of course, write again in more fully, when these translations are to hand.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever Fraternally and Filially in the Bonds of the Order,


November 15th 1924 E.V.


Grand Master U.S.A. etc etc


