Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to "Whom it May Concern"
[22 November 1924]
I am making this general statement since I am facing a situation of some complexity and it is my true desire to solve it in the RIGHT way.
I became interested in matters Mystical and Occult in 1906, at the early age of 20. I was married at 21. My real interest, however, became apparent in 1909, upon contacting the Order known as the A∴A∴, in London. I saw before me a practical method of Attainment, which held promise of being in every way complete. I have had no reason to change my mind upon that point. I began some preliminary Yoga practices at once, but for a month or so, failed to perform them as regularly as might have been desired. However, in September of 1910 (while in British Columbia) I obtained, rather unexpectedly, Dhyana of the Sun. This changed the whole course of my life and I had, as a result, a great longing to be of service to Humanity, but did not know the best way to go about it. I began to practice more regularly, keeping as before a careful record of all Mystical work. In March 1911 I was granted a further illumination which confirmed the former one and gave me added energy for the next section of the Path.
In 1912 I undertook a Retirement for the purpose of obtaining a closer and more conscious Union with the Higher Self; this seemed at the time to result in failure, but I have since found that this was not the case, since all failures are opportunities for further progress, while many apparent successes are quite illusory.
After some time had elapsed, during which I continued with my studies and interior work, I reached a stage when I felt I could begin to be of true service to others, and I more or less put aside all attempts at further personal attainment in order to do so. During this period I had my first experience of Organisation; working up a rather successful Lodge of an esoteric kind. This resulted in a strong Current becoming apparent, which, when the time became ripe, produced very remarkable effects upon certain members of the Group. The culmination came at the summer Solstice of 1916 when having done my best to strip myself of all that I had and was, in the personal sense, I underwent a Great Initiation, obtaining—for one thing—Atmadharsana, and with it, or following it, a very great spiritual insight into the workings of the Order of the A∴A∴, and into the Cosmic Plan on the Higher Planes. This experience, as was afterwards discovered, clearly indicated the fulfilment of a prophecy made in 1904, before I knew anything of the Order, and gave me a certain magical Link with the Outer Head of the Order, which he could not but recognise and has since continued to do so.
This same prophecy (which had to do with the New Aeon) also stated that the one who had fulfilled the above conditions, should also "discover the Key of it all".
In 1917, at the Winter Solstice, I again found myself in the throes of Initiation, this time on other planes, and after passing through many Ordeals covering a period of some 14 days, I attained Shivadharsana, and after that tremendous experience succeeded in coming through safely, with all my faculties functioning in a well-balanced and normal manner.
It took me 18 months before I could begin to look upon this Initiation in perspective, and I then found that the whole process had revolved around one word which, during the Initiation, I had found to be the essence of my Being after all else had dissolved in fire and flame. But with this clear remembrance came the discovery that this same Word was the Key to the New Aeon teachings referred to in the prophecy. I submitted it to the Head of the Order, he applied it, and Lo! The Key fitted the Lock that had occupied his constant research for some 10 years or more.
There yet remained one more prophecy which it seemed probable that I (or another) must fulfil; but since it is also definitely stated that this will not be during the lifetime of the present Head of the Order, I have not concerned myself with it in any way.
The above experiences also gave me a certain added power of speech. I found that I could at last begin to be of help in a very definite manner. The energy obtained at this time (1917) and the other accompaniments of this great experience, has never since been exhausted.
Later on I was introduced—by Bhratri Gritabuddhi [Ellis E. Andrews]—to the U.[niversal] B.[rotherhood] and I began investigating the early papers. I had already a certain small following, and some special students under me in the A∴A∴ Also I knew I had a certain definite mission which could not be gainsaid. But during my Initiations I had voluntarily undertaken to work for the redemption of Malkuth and had also expressed my willingness to start all over again should this ever seem necessary for the good of the Great Cause. I therefore looked upon this introduction to the U.B. as a double test and opportunity (1) I might find a better method of helping my followers—at least those who were not fitted for the more strenuous methods of the A∴A∴, as I know then. (2) I could test myself as to my real willingness to submit to the guidance of a leader who I did not feel had had the same type of experience that had been granted to me.
I have tried, as you may know, to work up a Ganagan upon Integral line, while also conducting my outer work in the form of Lectures, my work as an author, and my work for and in the A∴A∴
I have much good to say for the documents of the Caraka stage, which I have found most useful in supplying the details of the Great Plan revealed to me in my Initiation.