Correspondence from Norman Mudd to Everard Feilding
[22 November 1924]
Your knowledge (however imperfect or patchy) of A.C.'s work during the war is highly relevant here. You could say that the fact that he wrote for and edited pro-German organs during the war does not prove for a moment that he was not pro-British. Could you not say again that you had corresponded with him during that period, that you did not doubt his loyalty and that he himself says the circumstances were too complex to be properly explained save in his autobiography?
[ . . . ]
I am merely venturing to remind you that your knowledge of A.C. however partial is really more than that of all but a score or two persons in London. I am sure it is such that you could say whole-heartedly that you would never dream of taking seriously the allegations that I specially denounce in the absence of definite proof.