Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Ordo Templi Orientis Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis. Terra.
[circa December 1924]
To Parzival X° O.T.O.,
Salutation on all points of the triangle.
Thrice holy, thrice illuminated and thrice illustrious!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I was aware by virtue of my work of the passing on of the O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] but preferred to take no action for the time being. I preferred to wait for the acclamation of the Grand Masters.
This having been done through you I now feel at liberty to inform you that in the O.H.O.'s last letter to me he invited me to become his successor as O.H.O. and Frater Superior of the Order and my reply definitely accepted (I cannot give the exact dates of these letters and cannot be sure whether he died before receiving my reply)
I therefore accept the responsibility of this office and proceed to assume its authority from this moment.
As my first act I confirm the respective charters of yourself and Brother Regnartus [Heinrich Tränker].
I regard it as important that the strict rules of the Order be maintained regard to keeping secret the identity of the Chiefs. To this end I suggest that you should take a new motto preferably the Latin name of one of the noble species of birds as you will see I have myself done (The effect of this is that Parzival appears as Past Master)
It seems highly desirable to hold a Conference with Regnatus preferably for the Solstice of An XXI.
It is the question of World policy and therefore of practical measures that is urgent.
The question is ultimately this: in view of the impending collapse, is it not essential to select a number of properly trained men and entrust them with the secret of the unknown form of energy which we have at our disposal (my knowledge of the technique has largely increased since I wrote my Commentary on the IX° degree)
With regard to properties left by the O.H.O. Regnatus should evidently take charge of the matter.
I shall be glad to receive the translations of your correspondence with him.
Love is the Law under Will.
Yours in the bonds of the Order,