Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[22 December 1924]
My most beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I now deal with yours of Nov 15 and enclosure. I telegraphed at once to Regnartus [Heinrich Tränker] and received a long letter from him which I hope to get translated this week. I shall try to give him an historical idea of my position somewhat on the lines of Liber Aleph.
What you say about your books emphasizes the necessity of what I wrote from Hamman [illegible]. You seem to me to have no means of judging the limits of your scholarship and it's of supreme importance that you write nothing which initiated scholars can criticize adversely. That was the trouble with the Rosae Crucis man. It was very difficult for me in view of his bad [illegible] and the general humbug of his claims to admit that he had anything at all and no doubt he did indulge in false statements.
Some of the nonsense in I.U. is very hard to understand or excuse, it is quite possible to be too great a Qabalist. You must buttress your work by that of other thinkers even if profane.
From a rough reading of R'[egnartu]s letter I gather that he wants me to see him in May. It might be very well for you to arrange somehow to go there yourself in the hot weather and I should work with a view to that possibility.
Do not forget that the Chiefs warned me twenty years ago of the impending World catastrophe which must be dated for the directive after the main events of Chapter 3 have come off. The present situation in Egypt suggests that the time may be ripe for me to abstruct and convey the Stele. Again the Morroccan situation looks like the beginning of the fulfillment of my interpretation of Hail Ye Guru Warrriors.
There may be no time to lose in securing the assets of humanity.
I wait for your "ever more important" report.
You have my blessing and I trust that of the Most High. I spoke to Him about it only this morning.
Thy Sire,
T.M.Θ 666.