Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Adam Murray
Dec. 23 [1924]
I have yours of Dec. 17, please first note that M. Aumont [Gerard Aumont] has not yet received the books I sent for. If you have mislaid the list, please send a set of Equinox, the rest can wait.
O.T.O. entirely new rituals were prepared by me in 1918-19. There should be copies of these among the Cefalų papers. Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] had copies.
I don't think it is any use my making appointments which might turn out to be unsuitable. Consider yourself Acting Deputy Grand Master General. Do everything on your own authority and report to me at intervals for confirmation. It is never possible in starting things to keep the strict rules. Your general idea of procedure is good.
Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond] has the VII° degree. He was a great fool to lose his shirt. For had he gone on to the IX° he might have cleansed his skin. The real point is that you OPV [Norman Mudd] and Estai [Jane Wolfe] having come under Cefalu rule already possess a fair idea of the IX° degree. That confers a kind of unofficial authority. We can regularize all these matters later. You are of course the perfect man to prepare drafts for me to revise and sign. Note that the Golden Book was never returned by Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] (I really think serious steps should be taken about Watt Williamson). You might ask Barron [William Barron] to visit me at Tunis on his way back to India.
Collins [book publishers]. Leave alone at present the question of the Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley], simply demanding compensation for the sabotage of the Drug Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend]. Shakespeare and Co in Paris ordered copies and were put off with excuses, they only got them by insisting. You should get definite proof of this, it would make things very unpleasant for Collins.
Jones. Wake up Lamb.
Reports. Yes, keep going.
I am now in a little Arab house near Tunis and have plenty of time to attend to business.
Ephemeris. Received with thanks.
Horoscope. Received with thanks.
The Hag. O.P.V.'s letter. I concur generally: but think I should add some remarks and suggestions. The main idea in my mind is this. I am elaborating and revising the M.S. thoroughly. The best plan and one which would quite overcome Collin's [the publisher] objection is to get Noble Hall to prepare from the first draft, an edition not exceeding 250,000 words, prepared with an eye to (a) vindication (b) appetizing the public. This could be issued [by] Collins (or another publisher) you might try Grant Richards in the ordinary way.
If cleverly written as Hall could do it, it ought to save the whole situation.
One of my chief ideas in printing the prospectuses I did, was to induce a private capitalist to pay for the printing. For this I had to show a large possible profit. If we could get the money it would be best to go ahead on the original lines. Frank Harris did this with his "Life and Loves", and people paid the price alright, simply on the scandal.
Reviewing our R.R.'s figures, 250,000 words, two volumes, 3 to 5 hundred sets, subscription price four guineas, forty per cent discount to the trade, I do not at all agree with OPV's estimate of expense. Prospectuses and advertising too low, retyping much too high (what are Jane and Leah for?) printing sets much too low again. I quite agree that we should not trouble too much about the possible profit in this small edition. If Noble Hall will undertake this work, it ought to be easy to sell American rights and serial rights at once. They can be tempted by offering them additional material from the first draft. Various spicy passages so that they really have a different book. I think it absolutely essential to get Noble Hall to do this. Thank God I cannot write a book of the ad captandum order.
Montgomery Evans has given me another address, I enclose his letter: you had better deal with him. I don't know quite what he is, agent, maybe anything.
93 93/93.
Yours fraternally,
To Mega Therion 666.
P.S. Please let me have full reports of every thing in detail, as your leisure allows. 666.
Above all get Noble Hall really active: both to smash S.[unday] E.[xpress] direct, and the Hag. He is enlarging the photos for the Third Shell (2nd was to be Bickers prosecutions)
418 666 718 729