Correspondence from Eugen Grosche to Martha Küntzel
[circa 1925]
Our aim is to enforce the establishment of the Fraternitas Saturni as a Grand Lodge in Germany, according to the Law of the Aeon of Aquarius, which we acknowledge. All the existing theosophical, rosicrucian, and pansophically organized corporations, lodges, societies, inclusive of freemasonry, we consider as out of date. In their whole structure, their grades and organizational reliques, in their patriarchal ways, their conservative foundations, they are of only secondary value for us, who are creating perfectly new land and are altogether working in a new spirit. It should not be necessary to give the assurance that the Grand Lodge attaches great value to an active spiritual connection with the Master Therion, which I am sorry to say has been neglected for reasons of organization. This shall be different in the future. The Grand Lodge is ready at any time to assist the Master Therion by word and deed in any matter connected with the spiritual movement in Germany.