Correspondence from E. Steiner to Aleister Crowley










Sir A. Crowley

c/o American Express Company




Dear Sir,


Having had news of Miss Kuntzel [Martha Küntzel] that you were to go to Egypt without having the money, I was sending you at this moment ffrs 400 by telegraph and hope you will get it safely.


Miss Kuntzel spoke in [illegible] some time ago very highly of your mission you were to bring all people, so would have been very happy to hear it from yourself and have been hoping to see you passing in [illegible] or Lucerne. I would be very glad to hear from you how you could arrange and what success you have. I am so sorry not to be able to write you better in English, but I can understand better, than I can write.


If you know to explain in German I still would more like it and would have easier to explain and ask what is on my mind.


First of all I wish you are feeling better now in a more southern climate. I wish you a happy journey and best success for the great work you are beginning now. I hope you find the right people as pupils, I should have liked to come myself, but as I am a widow with 3 children from 12-14 years left without any fortune of my husband (he died 4 years ago the 9th of Oct) I have to work for our living and feel happy to be able to do so.


With my heartiest wishes for your good health and best success for your mission, I am dear Sir with kind regards as a little sister of yours.


E. Steiner.


