Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd
[6 January 1925]
No word from you for a long time. I too have been too busy to write, as I am now the maid of all work in a dirty little restaurant in Montparnasse—200 francs a month and my keep. My hands are swollen and numb from scrubbing pots and dirty marble slabs but I grasped the chance and three days of preparation (the place is not yet opened) have got me so accustomed to dirty water that I shall be loathe to part with the job. I do not for a moment suppose that I can keep it as the gossips will begin to tell my patroness my history. A long letter from Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] last mail—saying she will send me the money to come to Tunis as soon as she gets some—Norman Hall I hope to see today but I think he has fled Paris. He cannot pay for this apartment—the rent is due on the 15th—284 francs.