Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd





[20 January 1925]



You advised me to keep 'that job' till I was sure of getting to Tunis. I don't suppose you know what it means to wash dishes, carry coal and wine from the cellar, peel vegetables and serve 70 people a day etc. etc. (13 hours per day generally). I held it for a fortnight and as this flat is mine for another 3 months and I spent 2 days in bed as a result of my fortnight's activities, I did not go back. Crazy letter from V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke], saying that she is barred from sending me the 1000 francs promised and that I am no doubt supplied plentifully by the 'Business head'. Also that she leaves for Australia the 29th. Hope the ship sinks! Though she would probably trouble the waters for centuries to come. I am cut by every one [at the Café du Dôme]. It's not hurting me in the least tho' I'd like to pay the waiter 15 francs which I owe him.


