Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd
[26 January 1925]
What a Blue Baby you are! Not being a natural mother I don't know exactly what to do with such a child except to cuddle it the more. Consider yourself cuddled and be less blue—till next time, anyway. Left note for Kennedy [Leon Engers Kennedy] but he never replies. I'll storm his bloody hotel till I see him now I am engaged as dishwasher and am free at 2:30 p.m. This cuts out the evening meal which is rather a nuisance. I do get so hungry when there's nothing in the house!
I don't mind a flogging provided it isn't a real sadist who does it. I hate sadists—they're such weaklings, viz. Bill Seabrook [William Seabrook] and Nina Hamnett, if you please.