Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Heinrich Tränker
[circa February 1925]
Thank you for your letter of
I am glad that it covers mine so much that it is possible to conclude with a few general comments.
I. The two weeks limit [to respond to each other's mail] is quite satisfactory. I am not in haste but I like to know when I may expect a reply. It might in fact save trouble if on receipt of letters of mine you sent me a postcard only acknowledging receipt.
II. Re conference. I think we should be able to count in the various leaders if the matter is handled in accordance with the Law of Thelema. I do not want to prevent these good people riding their hobby horses. I wish in the contrary that they may ride far and fast. This includes the people with whom I thoroughly disagree, there are other points of view besides my own. I can only exclude the dishonest and that because such a one is not true to himself.
To all leaders of thought—of any kind I can therefore offer what is very useful—protection against malice and [illegible] of the others. You see I chose always to look at things in a very brutal way for thus I am less libel to be deceived. The position is that the world is full of many robber chiefs I must show that that it is to their advantage to unite themselves under a strong head who will preserve to each one his privileges, protest him against his neighbours and enable him to sleep in security. Those who do not agree but prefer to remain isolated must find themselves in danger of being attacked and exterminated if a combination [illegible] other hand, and this is my private justification, this [illegible] will tend to become more civilized as it increases in security and prosperity. Its members will be knit more closely by natural advantages and become more loyal to the chief on perceiving that revolt offers no advantage but is dangerous. Such plans are of course familiar to you from history. Their breakdown has not been due to [illegible] in the plan but in the fact that the [illegible] fell into the of [illegible] men. The question of [illegible] preoccupied the Emperors and they made very foolish blunders in policy in the illusion that their own sons should succeed them. I think that these considerations should be put before a few people of importance in such language as may be best suited to their understanding. Perhaps the enclosed manifesto may be of use as furnishing a basis. It may be necessary to employ a certain degree of mystery with regard to the authorship. I will rely entirely on you to manage this matter but I should like to know as full and as promptly as possible exactly what you do and its results.
Name of the O.T.O. It is difficult to get rid of these initials both for the reasons familiar to you and because in Equinox Vol. III, No. 1 there are such important promulgations of a new social order. However I must tell you that the Book of the Law has a habit of enforcing its injunction: all work not in avoidance with its secret design is [illegible]. It seems then that we shall be [illegible] to work by the light of this [illegible]:
220 & 418 I am very glad of what you say about the translations. As you say Liber Legis is the most important. We may go further and say the only important. But the [illegible] meaning of the book cannot be translated until the comment has been prepared and in spite of many efforts the true comment has not appeared at present.
The Pansophic Lodges. Your plan is in all ways excellent. I would have you know that the Law of Thelema provides for a dichotomy of mankind in the sole basis of the individual will. He who refuses to accept this Law so far as he understands what he is doing is by that act a slave who as the book says—shall serve. Such a one has no right beyond that of the lower animals because he has not dared to will. It is a mockery of language still for such people to pretend to will as in any democratic system.
Now then in these lodges we have to now hand a response of great power. You say that you have already something like 1000 members but if they were a million they would be no use if they are a mob. They must be prepared to accept discipline as in the army and I must know the exact capacity of each one. For this purpose it is necessary to issue a questionnaire as enclosed. It must be understood that each will be listed to the full extent of his capacity and to each must be promised the reward of [illegible] which is not necessarily normal advancement in the usual sense but the initiation into secrets which will enable him to do his will.
I feel very strongly that I am putting a great deal of wartime work upon you; but I trust that you will be able to enlist the services of some well chosen men to relieve you of all but the direction of the labour. I wish here plainly to sweep away the carrot of self-sacrifice; if I jump into the sea to save a drowning man it is because my nature is such that my satisfaction is greater than if I refrain. I am [illegible] indulgent as the banker who overeats: In fact more truly so because more intelligently so [illegible] therefore who prides humility upon his allusions is either [illegible] himself or wishing to deceive other, and all deception even the most innocent is a [illegible] and a source of confusion.
The difficulty which I have always found most serious in training students who appeal to me for assistance is their lack of selfishness, they talk constantly of attainment but they do not really rush to get anywhere. Their interest in occult [illegible] is in fact a flight from reality: of such material nothing can be made save hewers of wood and drawers of water. It is not only the Law of Thelema but ordinary common sense to assign each individual to his proper place in the system. Those who will neither lead nor obey must be eliminated.
The Treasury. It appears to me that your library could be made a resource of considerable wealth. There are probably many items which could be reproduced photographically or printed in limited editions at a high price. I am in touch with various people in America who can handle such business efficiently. You mention Persia as a suitable country for intervention. Are you in touch with any powerful people in that country? I wish to make a definite arrangement with the Government which will I think solve one of its most serious problems.
Do you possess a copy of my "Mortaldello" if not I will send you one. Are you in touch with [illegible] or some important producer. I feel sure it could be made a greater success than Salome of [illegible] and if this were achieved the repercussion would place us in a position of great power all over the world.
With regard to the A∴A∴ I must explain that the conditions are quite unique. There is no group working, the system is a chain system; there is no idea of property in the order so that the publications are given without question of copyright. It is therefore commercially impracticable to make any profit out of them. Also the system takes no account of persons, the greatest adept must pass thro' precisely the same routine as the beginner. It is not attainment which constitutes advancement in the A∴A∴ but the passing of a series of ordeals without the knowledge of the aspirant. It may well be that a man with very great knowledge and power and even of advanced spiritual capacity should fail miserably where the simple hearted ignoramus passes [illegible].
Documentary Evidence. I have dealt very fully with this matter in my last letter. Thank you for the trouble you are taking.
I have no suitable [illegible] at the present but shall perhaps be [illegible] something of the sort. I do not think by the way that you need seek for a good nation if that word is used in the ordinary sense. [illegible] to return when he has things of real importance to say: it is only necessary to penetrate [illegible] with the idea that the world can only be saved by the adoption of the Law of Thelema and "Do what thou wilt" will rush thro' the world more tremendously and widely than even did [illegible].
With regard to the venerable Frater of whom you write it is not necessary that they attend a conference for I can visit them in my travels and consult them personally. I assume that they have been notified of my appointment and I hope you received expressions of their approval and the benefits of their benedictions.
I do not at all know what happened in the last few years with regard to the Grand Masterships especially in France, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Turkey. Please get in touch with these men if you are not already so; we must create an important international machine which will work harmoniously in all nations and through which we can attain important ends. The time is ripe for movements of planet-wide importance and non action in our part would be definitely [illegible] because if we do not assume control of affairs, others of ignorant or malignant or both will certainly do so.
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