Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





c/o M. G. Aumont [Gerard Aumont]

16 Av. de Carthage, Tunis.



Feb. 22/25 e.v.



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


As you failed to recognize Abeiegnus beneath the obvious blind Belmont I suppose I had better tell you frankly that despite very marked superficial differences the Royal Art may not be so far from the Regal Art. [גןכטבש] If you consult the Qabalistic Dictionary compiled by that sublime Brotherhood which disguises itself under the name "Telephone Company" you will penetrate the Great Mystery of the King's Daughter. The above is my final comment on the Bride's Reception [Q.B.L.; or The Bride's Reception].


Further note on the Qabalah:



a rich man (ma = 41 = [illegible] = Christian.


Love is the law, love under will,


Thy sire,




P.S. This matter of Aunt Jen [Jennie W. Larson] is of vital importance and must be handled very diplomatically. The whole course of the affair has been so highly Magical, as you will see when you read my record, that a mistake simply must not be made. It is your residence in Chicago that completes the circle.


Mrs. Larson belongs, I believe, to a show called "The Church of the Veritans", presumably a branch of the famous Black-and-Tans! There is some sort of story of inspired writings or traditional documents removed and burnt by the daughter of the founder. Despite the word "Veritans" I should investigate the circumstances a little seriously; but do not lose a single moment, for we do not know from one hour to the next when a crisis of some sort may occur, which could only be handled by a combination of yourself and the magnetic aunt.




