Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Asta






Feb. 26/25



Dear Asta,




Thank you so much for your letter. The affair of your priceless pariures [?] is disasperating. It was the fault of the lunatic who sent them to France long after we had shaken its concierges off our feet. Since then there has been a passionate correspondence with the B.T. which I cannot pretend to follow. We have paid several thousand dollars in duty and storage and nothing happens, but seriously it is no fault of D's. She has done everything possible. You say she took care of them for you in Paris but that is not the case. She has never seen them and hopes humbly to be permitted to die in peace.


By the way she added a letter to you on the subject the other day to 87 instead of 81 by mistake.


I was very sorry to hear that you were ill and died. Your subsequent marriage came as a shock and what you say about love makes my heart bleed for lucre. I entirely agree with you about sensitive beauty. I am rather of that nature myself.


I myself have no idea why you told me all that but it is very charming of you and I hope you will tell me some more.


I think I ought to warn you that I have married a very dangerous man at present living in the utmost misery in Madagascar. I am writing him by the same mail.


As you say the eclipse must have been glorious. My congratulations to Paul for having worked it so effectively. Next time will he please have the shadow fall where I can get some of the fun. Here we had to make the best shift we could with an old umbrella.


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