Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Annie Besant
[circa March 1925]
You must have observed with regret the numerous schisms in the T.S. [Theosophical Society] and realized that in the case of your promotion to the Grand Lodge Above the confusion is likely to become infinitely more confused. There is no person of authority or capacity except Bishop Leadbeater [Charles Webster Leadbeater], who will soon become too old to direct affairs.
The author of the enclosed Manifesto ["To Man"] has been in touch with you since he first met you on the "Osiris" in April 1904 e.v.; but has deliberately pursued a policy of silence and shrouded his real personality from the profane until this critical moment in the history of the Society. There are other coincidences which it would be improper to mention at present. . . .
You are invited to appoint him as your successor as head of the E.T.S., not as that of the T.S. for he has no intention of disclosing his personality to any but a very few selected chiefs sworn to secrecy. The object of the appointment is so that the principal persons concerned may be informed and confer with him with a view to further action.