Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd
[7 March 1925]
Looking forward to your sending us definite news of what you are doing with the Customs [British Customs had impounded two cases of Crowley's belongings sent from the Abbey of Thelema]. Barron [William Barron] suggests that you see the head of Customs at the Board of Trade. Don't lose any time. Take the attitude that although some of the material may appear pornographic to an ordinary partly-educated man, it is not so in reality. Remember that the Customs do not hold these things forever. Unless you create a fuss they are apt to destroy them out of hand. Send in an immediate report of your interview with the head of the Board of Trade. If you can't get satisfaction from him, go to the member of the Cabinet who has the Customs portfolio. See his private secretary and arrange an interview.