Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred Talbot Smith






[12 March 1925]



Therefore, in answer to your first question, "What is the intent of the U.[niversal] B.[rotherhood]? I will give you a few pointers.


The declared object of the M. is not alone to bring about a knowledge of God. The "objects" of the Integral Fellowship are all the objects of all human beings in all their relationships, insofar as these are included in its principal "declared objects" which are: the most perfect possible collaboration with the Celestial Powers and with the Creative Intent in the Great Cosmogogis Emprise, involved the Universal Terrestrial Realization of the Ideal, the deliberate carrying into effect and bringing to full fruition of the Divine and Macrocosmic Purposes, and to that end the study and diffusion of the Integral Truth and the methods of attaining and verifying it, the building up of the Integral Fellowship which is Humanity itself so far as it has become normally and organically united, the training of men and women for the doing of what imperatively needs to be done and which cannot be done otherwise, and the construction, testing, perfecting and bringing into full operation of the sociological mechanism or mechanisms necessary for the most perfect secure and speedy accomplishment of the Great Work.


