Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred Talbot Smith






[23 March 1925]



It is really most extraordinary that the horoscope for the Eq[uino]x. March 20, 9.13 P.M., Chicago, shows an arrangement of signs and disposition of some of the planets in Houses, almost as they were at the Eqx. of Gods in 1904 in Cairo. This arrangement cannot have happened here within the last 21 years, and we noticed it as a strange indication a week or more ago. The further fact that a couple of days before the Eqx. in that part of Illinois termed "Egypt" (which I did not even know existed) and around a town called Cairo, such a terrible tornado struck this state, the worst ever known, is indeed a matter for grave thought concerning the nature of R.H.K. [Ra-Hoor-Khuit].


