Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Apr. 7/25e.v.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of Mar. 18 with enclosure to Bro. R.[egnartus] [Heinrich Tränker] duly to hand. Thank you for your frankness, which I have done my best to emulate.
With regard to Mrs. [Jennie W.] L.[arson] all I asked you to do was to bestow your light on one who is sincerely seeking it. The only relevant fact, so far as I personally am concerned, is that a proposal has been made that I should marry her niece Dorothy Olsen, and your intervention was only solicited in case her father, Christian Olson, of the Regal Art Co.—3729 Belmont Av. Chicago, wished to know something of my life and character. The fact of your being on the spot makes you the ideal person for this purpose, especially as you have known me for quite a number of years. I do not think that I was asking overmuch of you about this, especially as it not only is a question of my personal happiness and welfare, but as my previous letters have indicated to you, the result of a highly important Operation.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
Aleister Crowley 666