Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones








Apr. 15/25e.v.



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks for yours of Mar. 24—I don't know exactly where my over-confidence in my letter to S.P. comes in. Please reassure yourself I am not doing anything rash. I am on the contrary, making a final version of the transcript of the Tao Teh King.


I don't think you quite understood what I said about the Conference. No trickery of any sort was intended. I was merely endeavouring to secure that certain people should not be prevented from acting correctly by any false pride. It is a little difficult to explain fully—perhaps if you re-read my letter you would take a different view. But you can always be quite sure that I will not do anything that is not straight-forward.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy sire,


Τ.Μ.Θ. 666.


