Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Norman Mudd
[23 May 1925]
It pains me very much to write to you along these lines, but facts must be faced. Things have taken a sudden turn for the worse for me, and for the next two or three weeks I am forced to wait for things to materialize. Briefly, the situation is as follows: Ninette [Ninette Shumway] is being dispossessed at Cefalù and she has perhaps already departed. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] is in Tunis without funds and not in the best of health. There are innumerable bills here that were incurred in the past which must be paid shortly. Prospects are very good with my connections socially, but if Beast and myself are being constantly harassed by S.O.S. messages from every quarter, how can we expect to meet people here in Paris and pull off a grand coup? We are both literally in ras, and unless we can be free of these troublesome and harrowing letters from all points of the compass, we are bound to fail. As the matter is, whenever we have a few dollars ahead of the game, we are promptly sapped from one quarter or another. Consequently no one gets any good of anything. I realize perfectly your position, also Murray's [Adam Murray], but I must say your letter and Murray's today, sounds the utmost tommy rot to me. Do be sensible and patient a little longer and hang on as best you can. It is rather disgusting to receive letters like yours and Murray's in comparison with Ninette's. If you and Murray will only give Beast and myself half a chance, we can help you both shortly.