Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Unidentified Correspondent





[circa June 1925]



Dear Sir,


I have now thought out carefully the questions so hastily raised by you on Friday. I request you to obtain a written report from Dr. Jarvis [Dr. Charles Jarvis] advising the proper attitude to be observed towards me. I am willing to go to Norway on the following conditions.


(i) that my present liabilities in Paris are discharged forthwith to the extent of 15,000 francs.

(ii) that I visit my friends in Germany as already I have promised to do on my way to Norway.


I further agree to break off my present relations with Sir A.C. on these conditions.


(i) that I am fully informed of the source of the information supplied to my family.

(ii) that legal proof is furnished of the commission of a single dishonourable action by him. In case of dispute the judges to be two French gentlemen of unquestioned good faith, one to be selected by each party.


Thank you for you intervention. I am very ill with anaemia etc. Also I have had to have an operation last Wed week and may have to have another far more serious at any moment. Dr. Jarvis says that I must be relieved from all mental worry before he can hope to treat me successfully for the physical side of my ill health.


