Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Unidentified Correspondent





[circa June 1925]



It was very kind of you to instruct M. to inquire into my situation, but of course he did not get anything like the whole facts as he was very busy. I had an operation Wed before last, the result is still uncertain and I may have to have another much more serious at any moment.


I am suffering very badly from anaemia and a nervous breakdown, besides this. Dr. Jarvis [Dr. Charles Jarvis] says that as long as I am so severely ill with financial worry that the physical side of my ill health is masked and that this must be removed before he can hope to treat me successfully. I am hoping to be married very shortly and I look naturally to my future husband for assistance. Unfortunately he can do nothing until he has succeeded in putting over certain important business deals, and we are very sorely hampered in this matter for lack of ready money, we need 1,000 dollars to carry us over, and if you would lend us this sum you would be doing us a great favour, we could certainly repay you be the end of the summer. I understand that he wrote to a friend of yours asking him to come over in the hope of interesting him. There are two main projects which I personally assure you are sound and straightforward.


I have known this gentleman intimately for over 9 months—and I can assure you that you are making the greatest possible mistake in treating him with distrust and suspicion.


I had a letter to-day from a friend which makes it clear that certain people whom I know to be unscrupulous have been poisoning the minds of my friends in New York against both him and me. You have known of me for quite a no. of years and you ought to know that I have always behaved with absolute decency and generosity and that I would not mix myself up with any thing doubtful.


The distress we are now in is absolutely not our fault, it is due precisely to this scandal mongering. I have been a very good friend to friends of yours and hope you will think this the right moment to show yourself a good friend to friends of mine.


