Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Hohenleuben Reuss Germany
[11 July 1925]
My beloved Son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was very sorry to read your very rude letter to Fr∴ Recnartus [Heinrich Träenke].
What other reaction could you expect than a prompt injunction to depart to Jehannun?
I fear it is hopeless to convince you that we are trying to help your best interests. It would be fatal to your hopes of reputation in Germany for the future—the whole future—to publish outbursts like the attack on some copyright-breaker in the text of the book.
The first Chapter of IO assumes that a nine days' wonder in the Chicago newspapers represents a permanent spiritual change in the temper of America. The title itself "The Egyptian Revival"—there ain't sich animile. (I quote two flagrant matters out of perhaps 100). You must be completely insane with megalomania—as you have been warned often enough that this was your greatest danger—to take friendly criticism like this as "an impertinence". There are no opinions on the other side among serious people: it is unanimously held that your books, while they contain much excellent work in the popular presentation of the ideas learnt from the Equinox and the Order, are calculated to arouse ridicule by their rudeness, lack of originality, and egoism. The style of 'sublime' passages is sheer imitation of mine. There are some lapses which are utterly incomprehensible to me. Notably certain equations are given as Qabalistic "proofs" which are nothing of the sort. You, of all people, whom I took to know better than any one else alive what Qabalistic proof really means!
I thought, too, that your prospectus of the "Anatomy" [The Anatomy of the Body of God] was absurdly bombastic. You apparently have no idea at all how this sort of thing discredits you.
Do learn that people won't think you a great man because you tell them so in such a loud voice. They look for evidence in your work.
There are matters even less agreeable of which I must now write. You have been playing a game of keeping me in the dark about what has been going on—for years past.
I simply do not think this straightforward or honourable. This mysterious M for instance. (Incidentally, how a supposed 8º=3o can talk about "Infallible Reason", baffles that very fallible quality in me! And the imbecile claims to omniscience and omnipotence are a joke. The pretence of antiquity and large membership are very suspicious. And the attitude of "I am It: we are the Berries: let all obey Me without question" plus the peculiar tone of voice, suggests to me that you have invented the whole bag of tricks yourself. The 'alms-giving' system, as I told you before, is a dishonest quibble.
Anyhow, your secretiveness about it is a gross breach of Brotherhood. If you are working with Recnartus, you have got to be frank. (I say nothing of the Regulation of A∴A∴) Can one blame Recnartus if he begins to actually doubt your sincerity? And certainly nobody is going to trust you in anything if you act on these principles.
A further point. You have been aware of the extreme poverty to which the people working with me have been reduced—in actual need of food, clothing and shelter. Yet you sell books of mine, and never send along a single dollar. (I think you have sent $5—in the last 3 years.) You have always refused to make an inventory of the stock, or to send in an account periodically.
I do not think this is common honesty.
Well, enough for to-night.
I can only repeat once again my very serious warning that unless you kill out that inflamed ego, go back and steadily work through the grades you jumped so gaily, and adopt an attitude of probity and brotherhood with your fellow-workers, you will come the most almighty everlasting smash in the history of—Chicago!
Love is the law, love under will.
Ever your anxious and affectionate sire.
P.S. I blame myself most severely for having tacitly acquiesced in your giving up your work as an accountant. It is an absolute breach of the regulations of A∴A∴ to accept money—under whatever disguise—in return for 'occult' teaching. And from this moment it will not be tolerated on any pretence.
Imperator R.R. et A.C.