Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
[18 July 1925]
Cara Soror,
Yours of July 10.
Can't you write to me without some damphool dream? Your "main difficulty" is that you have too little common sense. And your American ignorance—pontification has ably aided. But don't mind my nagging! Your Karma Yoga has been pretty bloody good; and now we are all pulling out of the Great Ordeal you will find yourself in calm waters very soon.
I need not say that directly we have things reasonably well established we shall lose no time in giving you congenial conditions.
So just jog along, leaving all Yoga and Magick severely alone, serenely confident that the Gods have the whole situation absolutely in hand.
Assume an attitude of waiting for the train; pass the time away as pleasantly as circumstances permit. You won't hurry the train by worrying about it. Of course, don't go right off to sleep and let it pass the station without picking you up. Or as J.C. so beautifully said, Don't be a Foolish Virgin!
I have to say that I am very pleased with you: you have done splendidly by O.P.V [Norman Mudd] and V.L. [Adam Murray] and you have avoided getting in deeper by indiscreet monkeyings with the Lords of the Infernal Cataplasm in the Penetralia of the Punk Poultices of Pseudo-sophia. (Thus makes he his great P's. Shakespeare.)
93 93/93.
Yours ever fraternally,
P.S. If O.P.V. is not to be found (like Philip after he left the Eunuch of Queen Candace) copy my letter to L.O.V. [James Gilbert Bayley], than take it to him, and rub it well into his hair.