Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett
C/o Banker's Trust Paris
Aug. 5 [1925]
Care Frater
I was so glad to have your letter of June 11.
If you have not heard from us, it has been really that things have been moving so fast that anything we might write would be false before you got it.
But, generally speaking, there is great hope of putting over a world-wide campaign this autumn. You will of course hear all about it once we are able to start in a definite ordered course.
Please tell Miss Tabna that we are very glad to hear of her interest in the work. It is the greatest pity that such wide spaces divide us—and I am not in the least likely to be able to visit Australia, unless a lecture tour were arranged.
A whole lot has happened, too much to tell you, but we'll get out a regular report as soon as the show starts in earnest.
Everybody is pretty well at present: the trouble is that we are all scattered. I'm dreadfully busy: excuse the brevity of this note.
Fraternally as ever