Correspondence from William Bradley to Montgomery Evans




William Aspenwall Bradley

5, Rue Saint-Louis-en-L'ile

Paris 4


Cable Address:

Aspenssa, Paris






13 August 1925.


Montgomery Evans, Esquire,

Care of Harry F. Marks,

31 West Forty-seventh Street,

New York.



Dear Sir,


Sir Aleister Crowley writes to me, from Germany, that he has received enquiries from you concerning his memoirs for which I have the American agency. He has not forwarded me your letter, so that I am not altogether certain as to the information which you desire; but it may interest you to learn that my New York correspondent, Mrs. Ernest Boyd, of 131 East Nineteenth Street, has a duplicate of a considerable portion of the manuscript, though this, I believe, is under advisement, at the moment, by a firm of publishers who have expressed interest. Perhaps it would be worth your while to get in touch with her.


Hoping to hear from you at your convenience, I am,


Very truly yours,


W. Bradley.


