Correspondence from Max Schneider C. Lagourge & A. Dorin to Aleister Crowley
[26 August 1925]
On July 23rd Frater Viator [Max Schneider] received your communication of Sol in Cancer, Luna in Aquarius, in which you expressed yourself in no uncertain terms in regard to Frater Achad's [Charles Stansfeld Jones] rudeness to Frater Recnartus [Heinrich Tränker], as well as upon the character of Frater Achad's own books.
There is little doubt in the opinion of this committee, as well as in the opinions of other persons acquainted with Achad, that a considerable change has become marked in Achad's public work, as well as in his private relations with members of this group. The attendance at his public lectures has gradually dwindles down and many of his former followers state that this due to Achad's interest having shifted to the propagation of a teaching other than that of the A∴A∴
There is not any doubt whatsoever that A.[chad] introduced practically everyone here in the city that ever came to his lectures, as well as quite a number of out-of-town Probationers, to this other system, to the knowledge of the undersigned. The correspondence already sent you should amply bear that out.
With regard to his accepting money in return for the teachings learned from the Order, and from giving classes based on your manuscripts, in violation of the regulations of A∴A∴ we positively state that this has been a permanent condition, in spite of the fact that you once warned him not to do so.