Correspondence from J.E. Harrington [Charles Stansfeld Jones' Attorney]

to Max Schneider






[4 September 1925]



Apparently Mr. Crowley due to some misunderstanding or lack of information is determined to break his relations of long standing with Mr. Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] which is right but in doing so there must be a proper accounting between them and proper release of any obligations each may owe each other so there cannot be any accusations in the future on the part of either regarding unfulfilled obligations.


With that end in view I have advised Mr. Jones to prepare an accounting showing the charges and expenses he has incurred for and on behalf of Mr. Crowley during the years he represented him in this country. Also to determine just how much has been received from the sale of any books consigned to him some time ago. This is considerable work. It cannot be done in a day or two and it may be a matter of some weeks. Just so soon as Mr. Jones can complete that account he is ready to meet you or any properly authorized agent or representative of Mr. Crowley and adjust the differences between them and then and not until then will any property claimed by Mr. Crowley be turned over.


