Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe








c/o American Express Co.




Oct 23, 1925



C. 516!




Why don't I ever hear from you? Not enough to leave your ancient errors: I want to hear that your true energies are flowering.


O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] says you are rolling in wealth. Will you please fix enclosed with Miss Bingham—about £3.50 (43 King's Road, Chelsea) pay Pickford £10 (on account of storing stock) and send me the balance in 2 bank notes, regd. and insured for another Work of Emancipation?


Things are going very much better now: if I can pull off what I'm working on, the Gates of Eden should re-open.


Let me know how you are, and give my love to Murray [Adam Murray]. I want his address: ask him to write me direct. (I'm a little hurt that he snubs O.P.V., who is merely my machine) i.e. in a matter of copying. Hope he's getting on well now. You might do worse than send me a private report of affairs in London all around.


Write me direct here, and tell nobody you are doing so.


I do hope you are getting some good work in: especially turning your horrible experiences—so opposite to Filmland—into a true Trance of Sorrow.


Awful busy: must quit.


93     93/93


Yours ever truly,




