Statement by Alan Hafeland




Nov. 1925.



On my return from a visit to Rudabonge Herde [?] I found Mr. Mudd's [Norman Mudd] Instructions.


Soon afterwards I was informed, quite accidentally, from a friendly quarter, so much of the [illegible]-all-too-known about Sir A. Crowley that I must decline the prescribed practices.


The ideal which I have found of the coming World-Saviour is so high that I cannot hope to harmonise therewith my actual reactions and feeling toward the Master Therion, regarded as my teacher.


Excuse me for this frankness, but when I got your [illegible] I felt that I had to tell you the truth.


I have no thought of injury or offending anyone personally in this.


I return the 'Instruction' with my best thanks. Perhaps it will be of use to some other pupil.


I am sorry to have taken up your time and Sir A.C.'s thus fruitlessly, and hope that your kindness will forgive me.


Alan Hafeland.



Saturnus [Karl Germer] is certain that this 'accidental' informant; from a friendly quarter, is R[ecnartus] [Heinrich Tränker]. She and Priea are two of his pet lambs.


N.M. [Norman Mudd]


Nov. 13 [1925]


