Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred Talbot Smith






[6 November 1925]



I expect you may wish to mention other affairs and had, in fact, rather expected you would have done so before taking any action whatever. However, of course you are quite free in that respect, but don't be hasty, and in the event of your desiring a change of relations at any time, release one bond first before making another, thus Karmic confusion will be avoided. The enclosed notes may interest you as representing another angle.





Frater Achad is no longer in sympathy with the policy of the Order known as the AA as represented by Therion and has definitely disassociated himself therewith. This will make no change in the nature of Frater Achad’s own lectures and teachings.





In order that there may be no confusion let it be clearly understood that the statement made by Frater Achad to the effect that he was not in sympathy with the present policy of Therion as the Outer Representative of the Order known as AA, makes no difference whatever to their relationship which has existed, and still exists, between Frater Achad and those accepted by him as Probationers and Neophytes of the Order, or in his existing relations with Associates or Members of Psychomagia, Inc., or any other Society represented by Frater Achad, and that since 1916 Frater Achad's Function in the Order of the AA has in no way depended upon the authority of Therion as Outer Head of the Order, but solely upon the Superiors of Therion with Whom Frater Achad is still in perfect agreement and in the Bonds of Fellowship and Communion.


