Correspondence from Norman Mudd to Montgomery Evans
Per Adr. Fraulein Martha Küntzel, 4 Tiefestrasse, Leipzig.
Wednesday, 11 Nov., 1925.
Dear Mr. Montgomery Evans,
I received on Monday a letter from Miss D. Olsen [Dorothy Olsen] saying that you wanted a photograph of A.C. I mailed 9 photographs to you at 23 Christopher St. the same day. I trust these came safely to hand, and that you will find one or more which suit your purpose.
We are very upset materially here, at present, with no really reliable postal address even, so I recommend that, instead of sending the photographs back to me, you should take care of them for a time until we see what A.C. intends to do about the "Hag" [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley].
I cannot advise about the "Hag", and recommend that you should correspond directly with A.C. about it. Unfortunately he is constantly on the move about now, in the neighbourhood of the Mediterranean. His latest address is c/o American Express Co. TUNIS.
Letters addressed to him P.P. Fraulein M. Küntzel (as above) might reach him almost as soon.
I should estimate that two, or even three, volumes of the Hag—250,000 words, say—are typed, and pretty well ready to be printed—unless A.C. wants to revise or change the existing text considerably.
With all good wishes,
Yours sincerely,
N. Mudd.