Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Montgomery Evans




Nov. 11 1925



My Dear Evans—


With any luck we expect to get to Havre on Friday night.


Was so sorry not to have seen you before sailing, but I did not know I was sailing til the last minute.


Do get in touch with my friend, Myrtis Morgan—41 Fifth Av. Phone Steye 10180— or her mother, Mrs. Powell about Aleister.


Also—have Seabrook [William Seabrook] write him—explaining that wretched Hearst [illegible]. Better still, ask Seabrook to send him a week-end cable to the American Express c/o—Marseille cable address Amexco—Marseille.


Am writing Mudd [Norman Mudd] to get off the "Hag" [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] manuscript and some other things at once.


We've had rather an unpleasant crossing, quite rough and foggy, so far. My permanent address will be Bankers Trust Co. Paris—and Aleister can be reached through the American Express c/o—Marseille.


Mudd's address is care Karl Germer, Weider, [illegible], Germany.


Hope we will soon see you in Europe.


 Best success—for the new theatre. Thanking you for your kindness.




Dorothy Olsen.


