Correspondence from Tom Driberg to Aleister Crowley





November 15th 1925



Dear Sir,


I have recently read with much interest your novel, The Diary of a Drug Fiend, and am encouraged by the note at the beginning of Part 3 to communicate with you. I have for a long time been interested not only in drugs and the possibility of using them moderately and beneficially, but also generally in the development of latent spiritual powers and questions of occultism etc. I have after some consideration decided to become a member of the Theosophical Society; but it occurs to me that you may be able to help me still more directly and speedily than they. I hope you don't mind my writing; but I dare say many other of your readers have done the same, and that you have been able to help them.


A friend of mine, name Jim Wyllie, says that he once met you; but I don't suppose you remember him.


With apologies for troubling you,




Thomas Driberg


