Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe







Nov. 28 [1925]



Miss Jane Wolfe



C[ara] S[oror]




Thanks for letter, but first of all let me ask you to collect from various Brethren personal accounts of the privations they have suffered since the S.[unday] E.[xpress] articles.


These accounts should be backed by actual documents, letters of distress, etc., all this is to be worked into an introductory note for the republication of the Drug Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend].


I should send the letter to Dennes Lamb. What I meant was don't correspond with Murray. The whole matter is one for the police and nobody else; and I hope by this time personal complaint has been made.


Your paragraph #3.


I never received any advance on Silver [illegible]. I never made any contract with them about it. Of course something may have been done behind my back. Please investigate all this. I think Bayley  [James Gilbert Bayley] is the man to do it.


Thirty pounds, not fifty, was paid as an advance on a contract for "The Key of the Mysteries", to be reprinted from Equinox I X. Tell them I expect to sue them for non fulfillment of this contract, unless they publish the book in their next list and pay me one hundred pounds damages immediately for having broken their word to me, continually for the past three years.


Love to Bayley.


Yours fraternally,




