Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




c/o American Express Co.








in 11°     in 18°

die [Thursday]

[3 December 1925]



Dear 516 [Jane Wolfe],




We sent you a pair of stockings to show the size. Will you get me 3 pairs 1 similar color, 2 blue-gray, real Scots wool, best available, no violet tops or checks? Scott Adie should have them. Will mail coat immediately you let us know. Or perhaps they will agree to send it to Amer. Exp. Co. Tunis, collect. Better.


Please also send me a Raphael's Ephemeris for '26.


I enclose a bombshell for G.D [Gabriel Dee]. Please let her have it at once.


We are economizing (i.e. freezing and starving) down here till the next ship comes home. And—oh don't I feel like The Merchant of Venice!


However, the Comment is written once and for all, definitely and without error, and that's all that matters just now.


Best of all to all.


93     93/93


Yours fraternally,




