Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




c/o American Express Co.







Dec 10 [1925]



C[ara] S[oror]




I had no idea that anyone could be so ignorant as you and Gabriel [Gabriel Dee]. Five millions paid into court would make no difference to the case. The justice of England is not to be bought.


Her present attitude comes very near rendering her liable to be prosecuted as an accomplice after the fact. She had better clean her hands by paying you the £5. If she does that she can exercise her discretion in not prosecuting Murray [Adam Murray].


Please arrange to repurchase all sets of Equinoxes from Marks without delay, simply let me know how much money is required and I will send it along. I am getting some for this express purpose the best way is if you will telegraph me the figures as to nearest pound.


Yours fraternally,





P.S. You were quite right about warning the people but "nothing doesn't exclude a prosecution.


You should put the matter in the hands of the police if Gabriel Dee refuses as a "common informer."







