Correspondence from Tom Driberg to Aleister Crowley





Uckfield Lodge

Crowborough in Sussex



12th Dec. 1925



Dear Mr. Crowley,


You will have been thinking me very rude not to have answered your cable before; but I have only received it two days ago, as it had to be forwarded on from Oxford to my home address (as above) where I have come to spend the vac[ation]. Thank you so much for your most attractive invitation: I do wish I could come out to see you—but alas, funds are low just at present! and also I have a frightfully difficult exam in March which I have done practically no work for so far—it was partly in connection with that, as a matter of fact, that I wanted to consult you, whether you know of any artificial stimulants to goad brain-work, composition and so on. It is just possible that I may be able to go abroad during the summer or even the Easter vac: but I should like to get in touch with you before then. Could you possible meet me at any time in England, or perhaps in Paris? or put me in touch with anyone here who could help me. It would be wonderful if you could come and stay with me in Oxford: but I suppose it is so lively where you are now that you don't want to leave it.


With many thanks and regrets that I cannot come at once.


Yours sincerely


Thomas Driberg


