Correspondence from Montgomery Evans to Aleister Crowley




[circa 1926?]



In regard to World Teacher propaganda; I think you will find it very hard to accomplish anything in America unless you return in person; and if you do, you must do it almost secretly and lay plans here before announcing your arrival. If you come, book as Edward A. Crowley, say nothing on board ship, answer the immigration people as they want to be answered, assume to pose of a Scotch laird on tour, and disappear as soon as you land. I shall be glad to find a retreat for you until you have prepared the way for a real campaign. Please trust my judgment in this. At the same time it is possible to indirectly prepare by destroying Besant [Annie Besant], and any documents relating to her movement can be used by Germer [Karl Germer] or myself immediately. I believe that her comparative quiescence since her arrival is due either to fear or to planning for a gigantic effort. In either case we should be ready for it, and possess a bomb which can be exploded when we wish, If I had here documents concerning the Shingleput trial when she lectured a few weeks ago, I could have exploded the bomb then, but I had only the report, and newspapermen stubbornly refused to attack her on the strength of a report published by an organization they did not understand. Get me documents, any documents, which will discredit Krishnaji, Leadbeater [Charles Webster Leadbeater], or Besant, put documents which the blockheads here can look at, and I will raise a cyclone against her. Facts unsupported by definite authorities which can be consulted have no value, but if you have a few documents, I can add to them any facts you know of. Write a history of Besant, with footnotes.


I advise postponing the World Teacher campaign till after the bomb. Conceal the identity of Besant's exploder for the moment, then prove, perhaps by facsimiles of your letters, the source of the exposition.


Please answer as many of these questions as you can find time for. Keep me fully informed, I have no intention of halting our correspondence, and hope I can help you. In this I have no time for answering you letter at length, but thank you for Rabelais Thelema sketch. I believe that the time will come when I can use it to your advantage.


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