Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
[circa late January 1926?]
Dear Jane
It gets worse and worse—no time for anything!
Thank you so much for the stockings. How much do I owe you? I can't accept presents from you and I want 2 more pairs, darker grey.
G.D. [Gabriel Dee] could not prevent disclosing an offense against the criminal law. Why can't you people get some elementary idea about the first principles of English Justice?
Equinoxes. Please buy the two sets urging my contract. Also buy any sets numbers 1 to 8. Complete these from the stock at Pickfords.
We are both very unhappy at feeling that you are tired, you have certainly been through Hell.
You [sic] shall ask you to stay with us at the house we are looking at La Marsa, immediately circumstances permit.
Yours fraternally,
93 93/93.
P.S. Please send me figure for 2.30 A.M. March 26, 1867.