Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Seniat el Kiton

La Marsa




14 - 1 - 26 e.v.



Dear 516 [Jane Wolfe]




Yours of 9th.


(1.) I need urgently 6 "Mortaldello". Order enclosed.


Eq[uino]x. The idea was to repurchase the copies sold by Murray [Adam Murray] secretly at rubbish prices.


As soon as possible, we shall have a fund to purchase all copies in the market up to a certain (fairly high) price. We can't wait.


2. Glad it's over, and that you are "enlightened". That was my main object.


3. Stockings probably to-morrow. Thanks. No more needed.


Now this address is a perfectly lovely villa—a real villa! We have no money to spare to get you here, but we can put you up if you can raise the fare. Indeed, I shall be more than glad to have you here: Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] seeks a nurse-keeper (about 40% - 60%)


If you come, please buy me 1 lb of Pure Turkish Pipe Tobacco from Dunhill—should be very blonde and aromatic and medium cut.


Also any small pictures (less than 30" x 24") of mine.


Hope you can manage it—it's glorious here.


93     93/93


Fraternally ever,




Love to L.O.V. [James Gilbert Bayley] and thank him in re Rider's.


